Universal Remote Program & code
One For All URC-3220 Remote Codes & Programming Guide
Universal remote controls have become an essential device in modern homes, allowing us to control a multitude of electronic devices with a single remote. A popular model, the One For All URC 3220, offers convenience and simplicity.
In this article, we’ll provide you with a complete list of One For All remote codes for the URC 3220, making sure you can program your remote to operate multiple devices.
Say goodbye to juggling multiple remote controls and dive into the world of convenient control!
One For All URC 3220 is a versatile universal remote control designed to simplify your home entertainment experience. Whether you want to control your TV, DVD player, audio system, or other devices, the URC 3220 offers an all-in-one solution. Its ergonomic design, interface, and extensive code database make it a popular choice among users seeking comfort and efficiency.
List of One For All Remote Codes for URC 3220:
Here is a complete list of codes for various devices, allowing you to program your URC 3220 effectively:
One for All Remote Codes for Insignia TV
2061, 3421, 0091, 3431, 4921, 2301, 2011, 3571, 1421, 1691, 6171 1851, 2851, 2111,
One for All Remote Codes for Tcl TV
One for All Remote Codes Samsung
0178 0766, 0060, 2051
One for All Remote Codes for Sansui TV
3559 1892, 0171, 1670, 1935,
One for All Remote Codes for Seiki TV
2964, 3560 3559,
One for All Remote Codes for Emerson TV
3559, 2964, 3560
One for All Remote Codes for Westinghouse
3382, 0451, 1712, 2293, 1282, 0890, 3470, 1217 3579, 3094, 2397, 0885,
One for All Universal Remote Codes Philips
2597, 1394 3623, 1365, 0171, 1867, 0690, 1454, 0017,
One for All Remote Codes Polaroid TV
2121, 1538, 4035, 0765, 1762, 1769, 1687, 1767, 1276, 1314, 1385, 1286, 1326 1565,
One for All Remote Codes Panasonic
0156, 0178 0150, 0060, 1927, 1924, 0051, 0047, 1480, 0154,
One for All Remote Codes Orion TV
One for All Remote Codes for Magnavox TV
0051, 1755 1963, 0171, 3623, 1454, 2597, 1365
One for All Universal Remote Codes for Jvc TV
1892 2321, 1774, 1670,
Programming Your One For All URC 3220:
To get the most out of your URC 3220, it is essential to program it with the correct codes. By following these simple steps, you can set up your remote to operate various devices:
step-1 Locate the Code Search button on your URC 3220 remote.
step-2 Press and hold the Code Search button until the LED light turns on.
step-3 Select the device you want to program (TV, DVD player, audio system, etc.).
Step-4 Enter the three-digit code associated with your device. Don’t worry if you don’t know the exact code yet; we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list shortly.
step-5 Once you’ve entered the code, release the Code Search button. The LED light should turn off.
Test the remote by pressing the Power button to turn on/off your device. If it works, congratulations! If not, repeat the process with a different code.
Enhancing Your Universal Remote Experience:
While the One For All URC 3220 offers great convenience, there are more tips and tricks to further enhance your experience:
Use the macro feature –
The URC 3220 allows you to create macros, allowing you to execute many commands with the push of a button. For example, you can create a “Movie Night” macro that turns on your TV, audio system, and DVD player.
Keep Your Codes Handy:
Make a note of the codes you’ve programmed for each device. This will save you time in case you need to reprogram your remote or add new devices to your

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