rca universal remote codes
Rca Universal Remote Codes 5 Digit & Program Guide
In this post, you will get the best Rca Universal Remote Codes 5 Digit . More than one code is available for each brand device. Try out one code after another till you succeed in programming your smart device with the RCA universal remote.
Rca Universal Remote Codes 5 Digit
TV Brand | RCA 5-digit code |
Acer | 11865 14143 |
Acoustic Solutions | 11865 |
ADL | 11217 |
Admiral | 10463 10093 |
Advent | 11570 10761 |
Affinity | 13717 13577 13716 |
Aiwa | 11362 |
Akai | 11675 11385 11688 10812 10060 10702 11935 13332 11865 10765 10178 |
Akura | 11498 11687 |
Alba | 11865 |
AOC | 13707 12087 11589 12479 12621 12402 12014 11365 13720 |
Apex Digital | 14347 10767 12397 11217 10156 10765 |
Ario | 12397 |
AS | 11865 |
Asus | 13340 11867 10702 |
Asustek | 13340 10702 11867 |
Atak | 12397 |
Atvio | 13636 |
Atyme | 12746 |
Audiosonic | 11675 |
Audiovox | 10875 11937 12413 11952 10802 10846 12513 12121 11769 11564 11766 11284 11865 10451 11276 11951 13065 |
Aumark | 10060 |
Auria | |
Aventura | 10171 |
Avera | 12049 12397 |
Avol | 13382 13118 |
Axess | 13593 |
Axion | 11937 |
Base | 11570 |
BBK | 12098 |
Beaumark | 10178 |
Bell&Howell | 12293 |
BenQ | 11756 |
Bensten | 11570 |
Berkshire | 10047 10000 |
BGH | 12098 |
Bolva | 12397 |
Broksonic | 10463 11935 11892 |
BuBuGao | 12098 |
Bush | 11865 10661 11589 |
Carver | 10054 |
Celebrity | 10000 |
Celera | 10765 |
Champion | 11362 |
Changhong | 10765 |
Citizen | 11672 10463 10060 11935 |
Coby | 12344 12306 11538 12345 12350 12343 12347 12348 13202 12315 12340 13478 12256 13627 |
Commercial Solutions | 10047 10000 11447 |
Conia | 11687 11498 |
Contex | 14053 13939 |
Craig | 11687 13423 |
Crosley | 12337 10054 10000 |
Curtis | 13382 12337 12855 13717 13228 13895 12352 13939 11314 13154 14053 13577 14035 13636 12397 12466 |
Curtis Mathes | 10060 11959 10145 11147 10047 10000 10054 10093 11661 12293 10451 10702 11347 |
Daewoo | 13183 12098 10451 11661 10661 |
Dell | 11264 11863 11080 |
Delta | 11369 |
Denon | 10145 |
Digitrex | 14207 |
Dimensia | 12293 |
Dish Network | 11948 |
Disney | 11892 11314 10171 11665 |
Donghai | 13332 |
Dukane | 10679 11398 |
Dumont | 10017 |
Durabrand | 10178 10463 11570 10171 11665 |
Dwin | 10093 |
Dynex | 12184 11780 11785 12049 11810 |
Easy Living | 11217 |
Electroband | 10000 |
Electrograph | 11755 |
Electrohome | 11570 11672 10463 11670 |
Electron | 12855 12466 |
Elektra | 11661 10017 |
Element | 11687 10885 12256 12049 14398 12183 13559 13907 13183 11886 11756 14217 12964 12434 |
Elite | 11457 |
Emerson | 11661 13623 11886 10178 11963 13559 10451 10171 11864 10463 11665 12183 10702 11394 11944 |
Emprex | 11422 |
Envision | 12087 12621 11365 12014 10813 11589 |
Epson | 11122 |
Epworth | 11362 |
EQD | 12087 12014 12277 |
EQD Auria | 12277 12014 12087 |
Erisson | 13183 |
ESA | 10812 10702 10171 11944 11963 |
eTec | 12397 |
Favi | 13382 |
Fisher | 11362 |
Fluid | 12964 13559 13907 |
Fujimaro | 11687 11498 |
Fujitsu | 10809 |
Fujitsu Siemens | 10809 |
Funai | 12337 11864 10000 11394 11271 10171 11963 |
Furrion | 14093 13332 |
Fusion | 13332 |
Gateway | 11755 11756 |
GE | 10000 10051 10178 10047 11547 12360 11347 10765 10451 11447 12293 |
Gericom | 11217 |
GFM | 11886 10171 11865 11864 11963 11665 |
Gibralter | 10017 |
GoldStar | 12271 10178 |
Goodmans | 10661 |
Go Video | 10060 |
GPX | 10093 13402 |
Grundig | 11314 |
GVA | 12098 |
Haier | 11570 13204 11749 10885 14398 11748 13382 12309 12434 12293 11753 12049 13183 13118 11756 |
Hallmark | 10178 |
Hannspree | 11745 12786 11348 11589 |
Hanseatic | 10661 |
Harman/Kardon | 10054 |
Havermy | 10093 |
Helios | 10865 |
Hello Kitty | 10451 |
Hewlett Packard | 11867 11494 11502 |
Hightong | 11314 |
Hisense | 13382 12183 12360 12098 14398 11314 10178 13183 10885 12355 12049 12434 13519 12419 10818 11756 |
Hitachi | 10885 10679 12049 10145 10093 11145 11756 10650 11643 13382 12434 13183 14398 |
Hiteker | 13118 |
HP | 11502 11494 |
Hugoson | 11217 |
Iiyama | 11217 |
iLo | 11394 10171 11665 11684 11990 |
Infinity | 10054 |
InFocus | 12293 11756 |
Initial | 11990 |
Insignia | 11641 12049 11810 10171 12184 12751 12002 11892 11963 11785 14398 12417 13183 11564 11423 11780 10463 10885 12434 13227 11385 11756 11517 |
Inteq | 10017 |
Inves | 13332 |
iRIS | 12189 |
iSymphony | 13382 13094 13118 |
JBL | 10054 |
JCB | 10000 |
JCM | 12256 12189 |
JC Penney | 10047 11347 10178 10060 10051 12293 10156 |
Jensen | 10761 11570 13204 |
JVC | 12360 11892 10053 11601 12434 12321 14105 14053 11756 14398 11253 10650 11670 11774 12049 13183 12271 10885 13118 13650 11570 10463 10731 |
Kalley | 12434 |
KC | 14182 |
KDS | 11523 11498 11687 |
Keymat | 11570 |
KLH | 10767 10765 |
Kolin | 11240 |
Konka | 11385 |
Legend | 13332 12352 12397 12309 |
LG | 10017 11758 13183 11314 12358 10856 11756 10178 12424 10885 12049 12271 12731 14398 11265 12434 11447 11423 |
LG Alps | 12358 |
Liberton | 13183 |
Lloyd’s | 13382 |
Lodgenet | 12293 |
LodgingStar | 13147 |
Logik | 11217 12293 11865 |
LXI | 10047 10000 12293 11347 10054 10017 10178 10156 |
MAG | 11498 11523 11687 |
Magnavox | 11867 11756 14398 11454 10885 12372 12434 11866 13183 12049 10171 10051 10802 11254 11365 11944 11963 11990 10054 13623 11755 11314 |
Majestic | 12293 |
Marantz | 11454 11398 10054 |
Matsushita | 10250 10051 10650 |
Maxent | 11755 |
Megatron | 10145 10178 |
Melectronic | 10661 |
Memorex | 10702 10060 10463 11927 12293 12049 11314 11892 10178 11670 11665 11570 10150 11785 11687 10171 |
MGA | 10178 10150 |
Midland | 10000 10017 10047 10051 |
Mintek | 11990 |
Miray | 13183 |
Misakai | 10171 |
Mitsubishi | 11797 10178 10093 12360 10150 11250 |
Mitsubishi Electric | 10178 11797 12360 11250 10093 10150 |
Montgomery Ward | 12293 |
Motorola | 10093 |
MTC | 10060 |
Mx Onda | 11498 11687 |
NAD | 10178 10866 11156 10156 |
Naxa | 13382 14093 13423 13154 12104 |
NEC | 12293 10661 11398 11704 11797 11314 |
NEO | 13332 |
NetTV | 11755 |
New Acoustic Dimension | 10156 10178 10866 |
Nexus | 11564 13519 |
Nexus Electronics | 12183 |
Nikko | 10017 10178 10156 10047 11347 |
Niko | 11745 |
Nimbro | 12104 |
Noblex | 11142 11362 |
Norcent | 11589 12087 11365 11745 |
Nordmende | 13332 |
NuVision | 14347 |
oCOSMO | 12337 13899 14139 11712 |
Ölevia | 11610 11331 11240 11144 |
Omni | 11570 |
ONN | 11781 12247 10885 12049 13078 13183 10463 12434 14398 10047 11447 11756 12187 |
Optique | 12189 |
Optoma | 11348 |
Optonica | 10093 |
Orion | 13540 11892 10463 13650 |
Otic | 11687 11498 |
Panasonic | 10178 10093 11946 11941 11927 11347 11480 10060 10250 10047 11271 10171 11457 10145 10650 11291 10054 10156 10051 10150 12240 |
PARK | 12104 |
Penney | 10051 10000 10178 10060 10047 10156 11347 |
Petters | 11523 |
Philco | 11665 11570 11394 10463 11271 11142 10054 10171 11963 11362 |
Philips | 14398 11314 10885 12372 11866 12337 11589 11755 12049 11990 10690 11756 13183 13623 10171 10017 11454 11365 10054 12374 12434 11394 11867 11963 |
Philips-Magnavox | 10054 13623 10171 11867 |
Pioneer | 12240 11457 12434 11398 11260 10866 10650 10679 10047 |
Piva | 12277 |
Planar | 11589 10679 |
Polaroid | 13382 11385 12121 10865 11769 12434 11687 11826 10765 11766 11767 11589 13118 11314 11538 11498 12002 11524 11276 14035 11523 |
Portland | 11661 10451 |
Power Acoustik | 11865 |
Premier | 13183 |
Prima | 11753 12049 10761 11785 11749 |
Prism | 10051 |
Proscan | 14093 13717 13939 13332 13118 12746 13382 12293 13895 10047 13907 13636 13953 12183 13559 11447 14035 12147 13577 14053 11712 10000 12256 11347 |
Prosonic | 11865 |
Proton | 10178 |
Proview | 11523 11498 11687 |
Pulsar | 10017 |
Pyle | 12196 |
QuantumFX | 12337 13593 |
Quasar | 14207 13382 11927 13118 10250 10051 11291 10650 13899 |
Qumi | 11369 |
RadioShack | 12293 10047 10000 10178 |
RCA | 11781 11670 11447 10000 13519 12360 12293 11953 14093 12247 14214 12002 13382 11756 10679 11147 12049 11712 13939 13147 10047 11385 11661 13717 14035 14053 12855 10093 10090 11948 13895 13636 12434 11959 12183 13577 13938 12746 14398 13332 11047 14394 12932 12187 13183 11247 11347 10885 10051 11547 |
Realistic | 12293 10178 |
Recco | 13183 |
Roku | 11756 10885 12434 14398 13183 10818 10178 11447 12360 12247 11781 12187 10463 10047 12049 13078 |
Rolsen | 12098 |
Runco | 10679 11398 10017 |
S-Media | 11217 |
Sampo | 11755 |
Samsung | 11632 11060 11959 10650 13382 10178 13118 11755 10060 12051 10702 10812 10766 |
Sankey | 12964 |
Sansui | 10171 13559 10463 11409 14053 11935 11670 13540 11892 13939 13564 |
Sanyo | 10054 11785 11142 12049 13183 10885 13488 12434 11480 14398 11362 11756 11564 |
Sceptre | 11360 12506 11712 12337 11217 11599 14139 13899 12528 |
Scotch | 10178 |
Scott | 11711 10178 |
Sears | 10000 10178 10054 12293 10156 10171 10047 |
Seiki | 13953 13382 13559 12964 13470 13560 10178 |
Seiko Epson | 11122 |
Semp Toshiba | 10156 |
Sens | 11749 11865 |
Sharp | 11756 13720 13183 10818 12402 13519 12360 10093 11457 12183 10178 12049 14398 12434 10885 |
Sheng Chia | 10093 |
Sherwood | 11399 |
Sigmac | 13423 13477 |
Signature | 12293 10054 |
Silo | 14182 13794 13899 13477 |
Silo Digital | 13794 14182 13899 13477 |
SkyVue | 12360 |
SkyWorth | 11314 |
Solé | 10813 |
Sony | 11712 12337 10810 11685 11300 10000 |
Soundesign | 10178 |
Sova | 11952 |
Soyo | 11826 11520 |
Spectroniq | 11498 11687 11523 |
Speler | 12434 14105 |
Squareview | 10171 |
SunBriteTV | 11712 11610 12528 10810 12337 |
Sungpo | 10093 12360 11756 |
Superscan | 11963 10171 10093 10864 11944 |
Supersonic | 13593 11753 13154 13204 12104 |
Supra | 13332 |
Supreme | 10000 |
SVA | 11963 10865 |
Sylvania | 11665 11963 10171 11394 11271 14053 13577 10054 11864 11944 11886 11314 13332 |
Symphonic | 11394 10171 11963 11944 |
Syntax | 11610 11144 11240 11331 |
Tandy | 10093 |
Tatung | 10060 11756 |
TCL | 12293 183 14398 10885 10047 11756 12434 12049 13 |
Teac | 10178 11755 |
Technics | 10650 10047 10250 11347 10017 10051 |
Technika | 11865 |
Techview | 10847 |
Techwood | 10051 |
Teknika | 12293 10150 10054 10060 |
Telefunken | 10702 |
Telernet | 12293 |
Thomson | 11447 13183 |
TMK | 10178 |
TNCi | 10017 |
Tokai | 13332 |
Toshiba | 10060 11656 11356 11935 11369 10702 11945 11524 12006 11156 10156 11265 10845 11314 11291 11704 12724 10650 11959 11256 |
TruTech | 10171 11665 |
TVS | 10463 |
Upstar | 14182 13899 14405 |
V7 Videoseven | 11217 12087 11755 |
Venturer | 11865 |
Victor | 10250 12337 10156 10093 10053 10145 10150 |
Vidao | 12397 |
Videoseven | 11755 12087 11217 |
Vidikron | 11398 10054 10679 |
Vidtech | 10178 |
Viewsonic | 12101 11742 10864 12087 10679 10857 12277 11578 13706 12014 11330 10885 11745 11627 12049 11365 11755 12745 11640 11564 |
Vinchi | 13332 |
Viore | 12104 13118 13382 12352 11684 13094 13154 |
VisionQuest | 11687 13154 |
Vivitek | 11369 |
Vizio | 12757 13758 13415 10885 12512 12247 11758 10864 12707 11756 |
Vortex | 13332 |
Vortex View | 13332 |
Voxson | 10178 |
Vue | 11570 |
Wards | 10178 10000 12337 10054 11156 10060 10156 12293 11347 10866 10051 10017 10047 |
Waycon | 10156 |
Westinghouse | 13579 13899 12337 12293 10451 10000 10889 11300 13470 12397 13094 10885 14398 12434 13382 13559 11756 11577 11712 12049 13183 11217 10463 10810 11282 13949 |
White Westinghouse | 10463 11661 |
WinBook | 10060 11369 |
World-of-Vision | 11217 |
Wyse | 11365 |
Xenius | 10661 |
Xiahua | 11753 11785 11749 12049 |
Xoceco | 11753 11749 12049 11785 |
Xogego | 11749 11753 12049 |
Xoro | 11217 |
Zenith | 10000 10017 11145 11265 10047 12358 10463 12337 11423 10178 12271 12731 11661 11365 10145 |
How to Program the RCA Universal Remote (The Auto-Programming Process)
An RCA universal remote can be used with any device that is compatible with the remote. This
remote has several keys labelled with the name of the gadget. SAT for Satellite Antenna, CBL for
Cable Box, AUX for Stereo devices and so on. You have to tap on the component button while
programming the RCA universal remote. The step-by-step programming for the RCA remote is as
Read Also : Rca Universal Remote Codes List 4 Digit & Setup Guide
Step-1 Switch on your appliance such as TV, DVD, Blu-Ray, Speaker, etc. that you want to set up
with the RCA remote. Then, aim the remote towards the appliance.
Step-2 Activate the RCA universal remote and hit the ‘TV’ button. You can find the On/Off button of
your remote started blinking.
Step-3 Next, click and hold the ‘TV’ button and the On/Off button simultaneously. Hold these
buttons till the On/Off button lights off and on.
Step-4 The light of the On/Off button will go off for a few seconds. Again, it will light up for a few
moments. Now, you have to leave both buttons.
Step-5 Find the ‘Play’ key on the RCA remote and press it once. Your TV will shut off within 5
Step-6 If the device does not turn off, press the ‘Play’ key every five seconds till the TV goes off.
Step-7 After that, tap on the ‘Stop’ button and save the programming information on your RCA
Step-8 In this way, you can auto-program any device with the RCA universal remote.
In this article, you got the complete guide on the RCA universal remote codes and how to program
them with your smart device. The programming steps are very easy to follow once you got the
correct code for your device brand. Share this information with many people and have unlimited fun
in your home theatre with the one-stop RCA universal remote control.

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